Apply For Finance
“Did you know that 90% of our customers were approved for finance last year?”
Mongey Plunkett Motors is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. The key advantage of using Mongey Plunkett services is we have access to numerous banks in Ireland. Simply just drop in, phone us to arrange your car finance now.

Contact Details Step 1 of 3
- Make:
- Model:
- Year:
- Mileage:
- Retail Price: ---
Finance Calculator Step 2 of 3
Retail Price:
- Finance Type: Hire Purchase
- Retail Price:
- Your Deposit:
- Finance Amount:
- APR:
- Minimum Deposit Percentage:
- Document Fee: 75.00
- Completion Fee: 75.00
- Term:
- Total Cost of Credit:
- Total Amount Payable:
- Representative APR:
- Monthly Repayments:
Finance Config
- name: Finance Ireland
- rate: 11.20
- higherRate: 11.20
- lowerRate: 8.95
- depositPercentage: 10.00
- lowerDepositPercentage: 10.00
- higherDepositPercentage: 20.00
- minCarValue: 0.00
- lowerMinPrice: 4000.00
- lowerMinYear: 7
- higherMinPrice: 4000.00
- higherMinYear: 12
- minCarYear:
- roundedMonthlyPrice: 0
- providerID: 1
- showWeeklyPrice: 0
- showMonthlyPrice: 1
- showFinance: 0
- repaymentTerms:
- CIfinanceFlag: 1
- providerImage:
- showRepApr: 1
- showStdApr: 1
- documentFeeText: Document Fee
- documentFeeAmount: 75.00
- completionFeeText: Completion Fee
- completionFeeAmount: 75.00
- financeFormHeader: Vehicle Finance Application
- calWarningText:
- hirePurchaseText: Hire Purchase
- financeHoverMessage: Hire Purchase is a traditional form of car finance which is structured to suit your budget with fixed monthly payments throughout the agreement. At the end of the agreement and once the final payment is made, you then own the car. Other finance offers may be available, please visit the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission website for independent advice on the product.
- whatHappensForm:
- hasCustomDepositPercentage:
- hasCustomRate:
- dealerID: 72414
- apr_asterix: